When guys like the above "moran" spouts off the latest thing he heard from the AM radio, do they really know what they're saying? Do they understand? I think not. Lets translate what certain talking points really mean:
1) "We have the best health care system in the world"
Hey, I'm covered. I have no worries. My doctor hands out the Viagra like its candy.
2) " I want my country back"
How did that colored guy get into office? White Power!
3) "What is it about the illegal in illegal alien don't you understand?"
So what if my Irish ancestors came here illegally? They were white, like all immigrants should be.
4) "If you haven't done anything wrong, what do you have to worry about?"
Everybody knows all criminals are black, Latino or Arab. I haven't been to a library in decades.
5) "We have to slow down on this health care reform"
If we delay long enough, lie enough, and run a lot of commercials, nothing happens, thus assuring me of my campaign money from the insurance industry.
6) "The elite media"
Those educated people who write stories that don't parrot what Rush says.
7) "The answer is tax cuts across the board"
as long as I'm holding the board
8) "It's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve"
What does Steve look like?
9)" All Democrats do is tax and spend, Republicans cut spending"
I am a goddamned chimp
10) "Life begins at conception"
And my caring about life ends at birth
11) " Where's Obama's birth certificate?"
How did that colored guy get into office again?
You are so right....
ReplyDeleteI must give the brothers compliments. MD's brother for being open and comfortable with being gay and to MD for being not only accepting, but a champion for gay rights as well. It's rare that I see a straight man who is largely removed from gay world who is so insightful into our plight. Your Adam & Steve comment made me laugh out loud... and I've never heard that reference before, not even from gay world! Kudos!
ReplyDeleteHAAAA---you nailed it again, MD! It's always fun to expose wing-nuts for what they really are, a bunch of badly undereducated, uncaring "morans"!