Back in 1976, after voting in my first presidential election for the winner, Jimmy Carter, I was ecstatic that Carter was in and the Democrats controlled Congress. Of course, it turned out to be a big battle on whose ego was bigger. The result was Ronald Reagan. Back in 1992, when Bill Clinton won, I had the same hopes. The result was Newt Gingrich. Now once again, having learned nothing from history, I expect the super-majority the Democrats hold to mean something. So far, I'm being crushed again.
These so-called blue dog Democrats, really nothing more than whores bought off by corporate lobbyists and threatened by nuts with e-mail machines, need to be slapped back into line. I really don't give a damn about the political consequences these cowards think await them if they fall into line. The fact remains these cheap hacks got elected by people like me, funded by Democrats, and were told to do something. Now, goddamnit, Harry Reid, grow a pair like Nancy Pelosi has, and whip these jackoffs into line. If they don't fall into line, make the political consequences WORSE than they ever imagined. Cut them off at the knees, take their committee assignments away, and kick them in the ass. Jesus, how did Harry Reid get into the position of Senate Majority Leader without being a ruthless prick?
Oh and you, Barack Obama, you better get on the ball too. Sitting around drinking beer with a thin-skinned cop and two loudmouths may be a blast, but it really doesn't mean squat.You have the stage and you seem to be not willing to project. You need to call Ben Nelson (D?-Ne) and the rest of the blue dogs into your office and snap 'em on the nose with rolled-up newspaper. They are pissing on your legacy, Mr. President. Housebreak them, NOW!
Yes, MD, the Dems need to exert some firm party discipline and start putting out a unified party message. In-party fighting is unacceptable and deadly. If they fail to deliver on health care and jobs, we'll end up with bastards like Boehner, Cantor, and McConnell running Congress and stupid little girl Sarah Palin sitting in the White House. AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!