Friday, May 1, 2009

Now I Can Finish My Manifesto!

By now everyone knows that Supreme Court Justice David Souter has packed it in and is returning to his desolate New Hampshire cabin where he can pick up where he left off back in 1990 writing the Unabomber or whatever it is he did. Souter was the only thing George Bush Senior did right in his 4 years of wimpiness.

Ok now. It's time for Barack Obama to begin installing his secret agenda by appointing a new court member. We all know what he needs to do and whom he needs to appoint. But let's keep it under our Che' Guevera hats for now. Shhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I just hope Obama will appoint a liberal catalyst to offset those activist conservatives (who are NOT "strict constructionistsa") like Thomas, Scalia, and Alito. We NEED some "activist" justices working on behalf of ordinary citizens instead of corporations and the wealthy!
