Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Another Village Idiot Governs Texas!

Boy howdy, it seems Texas Governor Rick Perry, seen above with some snowbilly, has decided to secede from the union or something. Yelping about the 10th Amendment which nobody, including Thomas Jefferson, has ever read nor heard of, Governor Goodhair has flipped the bird to the feds who want to give him free money. Free freaking money! Pandering to the nuts and bolts that make up half the state, Perry is not exactly dumb enough to refuse the money, he just wants all the dimbulbs paying attention only when CMT goes down to know he wants to refight the Civil War.

The 10th Amendment? It blathers about states rights when the federal gubmint aint paying attention. Well, Rick, this isn't 1791, or 1861, or even 1964. It's a new dawn, baby. The Prez is black, the gays are gettin' hitched, the Chinese are drivin motorcars, and Coach Taylor just got fired down in Dillon. Get on with the program.

It's about time the rest of us started messin' with Texas. Those incompetent blowhards have been messin' with us for years.


  1. Just another "new" old idea being put forth by a stupid conservative Republican because he has no new "new" ideas to help his state with. Hmmm---Rick Perry, George W. Bush, John Cornyn---sounds like an unholy trinity of dopes!Yep, as Texas burns, Rick Perry fiddles with states rights. How can one state produce so many morons?

  2. One of my favorite "WTF Texas" stories is about an UBER fundamentalist Christian group based in Texas who wanted to move to South Carolina (my home state) and secede from the union to make their own country based on their beliefs. WHY SOUTH CAROLINA? I know SC was the first state to do long ago, but you see how THAT turned out....
