I cannot stand Notre Dame. Growing up Catholic and having that place jammed down my throat year after year made me hate them with a passion I usually only reserve for the Dallas Cowboys,the New York Yankees and the Creighton Bluejays. But I have to give them their props for sticking with the invitation for Barack Obama to give the 2009 commencement address on May 17th despite every Catholic nutjob on earth throwing a tantrum. The archbishop of South Bend, Indiana (what did HE do to get that prime assignment?) says he's not coming. I have no idea if Bishop Joe_Don_Baker_has to film Walking Tall 4 that day or if he's just pissed they didn't invite The Rock.
Anyway, once again, the catholics have reared their cute little angelic heads and decided a blastocyst is more important than a brazilian 9 year old rape victim. Isn't this getting old? Our own catholic think tank, the aforementioned Creighton University, banned a real Christian, Anne-Lamott, from speaking on it's run down campus because she doesn't bomb abortion clinics or something like that. So she spoke at a concert hall in town and the place was packed.
I resigned from the catholic corporation as soon as I reached the age of reason due to the fact it had become more about judging than loving. But Notre Dame deserves some credit, so far. If they buckle, I will place them back in the passion bucket and root against them like a madman. But if they stick to their guns, and stand up to the thugs, I may hope they beat USC this year.
I just ask one question of the censorship crowd. What frightens you? If your message made any sense, one speaker wouldn't matter. Or would it?
You seem to imply there is something wrong if a babykilling abortion mill is burned or bombed. Which do you prefer, a pile of bricks or a pile of dead babies? Innocent unborn babies deserve to be protected just as born children deserve to be protected. You would have no problem protecting born children if they were about to be murdered.
ReplyDeleteSAY THIS PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and am headed to eternal hell because of my sins. I believe you died on the cross to take away my sins and to take me to heaven. Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart and take away my sins and give me eternal life. http://www.armyofgod.com
Spitz has spitzed! Oh, my! They'll cave! They always do!
ReplyDeleteHere's the prayer:
ReplyDeleteDear Jesus, Don Spitz has sinned. He's a sinner and is headed to eternal hell because of his sins....
I just keep thinking about how (and MD, I think you mentioned this) the old farts who uphold the antiquated ideals, are fading away and making way for the more enlightened generations like Max.... I'm ready for them too!
PC, I see this morning that 97% of the senior class want Obama to speak while 73% of the old farts (the alumni)do not want him there. Well ,in the immortal words of the Reverend Don Spitz, who links to a website that advocates murder by the way, the alumni can go "to eternal hell"
ReplyDeleteRev. (sic) Spitz's opinion on the beliefs or behavior of others should carry no weight whatsoever. He uses his own website to try to make heroes out of murdering terrorists like Paul Hill, Eric Rudolph, John Salvi, and James Kopp. He is so delusional that he thinks that he was ordained by the International Gospel Crusade, a denomination that only exists in his imagination.