That is the face of Representative Steve King, a Republican congressman from across the Missouri River in Iowa. Rep. King is a nut. Period. Yet the people of southwest Iowa keep sending this bonehead back to Washington because his crazy eyes hypnotize them or something.
King has introduced a resolution declaring victory in Iraq, thanking George W Bush for winning the war, and putting anything that happens from now on in Obama's corner. Yeah, right.
King is a walking, talking gaffe machine, The only problem is King keeps saying these things over and over. Remember when King called Obama the candidate a "totalitarian dictator"? Oh yeah, how about when King stated to the nation that his wife was safer in walking the streets of Baghdad than in D.C. Oh and how about when King endorsed Fred Thompson. That was a knee slapper. How about when King said Al-Quada would dance in the streets if Obama won, even more so than after 9/11. How about when he called Joe McCarthy a "hero for America"? My personal favorite King-ism was when he somehow linked the closing of Gitmo with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed becoming a U.S. citizen.
Oh I know he's a worthless nobody from a dying part of a rural state but why oh why do these Iowans keep sending him back to compete with Michele Bachmann (R-Mn) for dumbest hammer in the box. Come on Iowa, look at those eyes. Next thing a guy with eyes like that does is carve a swastika into his forehead.
I always thought we had institutions (OTHER THAN CONGRESS) for people like King and Bachmann. They are either proofs of a twisted, parallel universe, or escapees from a sanatarium.