Monday, October 6, 2008


The crazy wingnut from Alaska came all the way to Omaha (how afraid are they?) to pick up a hockey jersey with the word "Mavericks" and then pretend anybody gives a shiite about UNO hockey around here. Screeching her way through a stump speech in front of 2500 or so fat Republicans, she got the standard reaction of boos by mentioning the New York Times, Bill Ayers, and Katie Couric. Now we all know there weren't 5 people in that crowd who knows who Bill Ayers is (he did something bad when Barak was 8) but they booed on que. I mean come on, other than Bill O'Reilly, who the hell knows who Bill Ayers is? The strategy is clear. Smear the black guy with everything you can throw (check the McCain staffer who dropped the N bomb over the weekend) and hope the feeble-minded buy into it. This is clear. Levi's future mother-in-law (god help that kid) is the messenger of lies.

The kooky dingbat from Alaska went to Floriduh today and gave the same stump speech complete with the boos. But in Floriduh, the boos came with something a bit different. According to the, that liberal rag, somebody got so carried away by Sexy Sarah and her knee-high hooker boots and her Obama bashing, he hollered "Kill Him"! Nice going, pitbull, now you have homicidal rednecks in your crowds.

She scares me. Her crowds scare me. But McBush seems to have sold his soul. Let's hope that he buys it back. Barak Obama may have to rent his soul out for a month or so. If that's how we have to play, that's just too bad. Sarah Palin's witch doctor, her hussy daughter, Todd's business partner , praying the gay away, her traveling circus of a college career, a sportscaster? John McCain's buddy, Charles Keating, his adultery, his brainwashing, his signing of a confession, his temper, it's all out there, true or not. Who cares? They don't.

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