Friday, October 3, 2008

Sarah, Plain & Dumb

God, she's just so cute, I don't really care what she says, damn, she's just so adorable. Ok, now that that's out of the way, the Mary Kay lady held her own with Joey Biden last night. By holding her own, I mean she didn't start babbling in tongues and trying to raise money for Levi's hockey team.

She talked about what she was told to talk about no matter what Gwen Iffel asked her. Question 1 say this, 2 say that, 3 say this, throw in the talking to the American people line, ask him if you can call him Joe so you can throw in the Say It Aint So Joe line, quote Reagan, quote Bush, wink, smile, and then, at the end, do that shout out to the third graders. A SHOUT OUT TO 9 YEAR OLDS IN ALASKA? Are you kidding me? This isn't the effing PTA election at Ted Stevens Pork Barrel elementary! It's the Vice Presidency of the United States of America, the most powerful job on earth (at least in this administration). I was only slightly pissed at the face twitching dingbat up to that point. After the shout out to 9 YEAR OLDS IN ALASKA, I was absolutely livid, not at her, but at John McCain for picking this Amway Saleswoman. What the fark were you thinking, gramps? Country First My Ass!

This Avon Lady is a bigger danger to this country than any guy named Mohammed or Al Sadr or Murdoch. She may be a melanoma away from the Oval Office should the inevitable happen. Barak Obama HAS to win this election. He MUST win. If the racists prevail, and Sarah the Lunch Lady gets close, we are done. Shiite, we may already be done, thanks to President Smirk, but I really hate to give up. Maybe this Jesus Christ guy might be worth talking to.

1 comment:

  1. Damn...were we raised in the same house or what? I didn't read yours and I doubt you read mine but...


    The part that pisses me off still is that she is the opposite of what the typical Joe Sixpack is allegedly thinking. She's incredibly disrespectful to the American public. It's a freaking Vice Presidential debate! Stop winking like a cheap hooker and talking like you're at the Piggly Wiggly!!
