Friday, October 17, 2008

Can We Replace Ayers With A Real American Like G Gordon Liddy?

In the fine tradition of Freedom Of Speech, The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has crawled into the fetal position and cancelled an appearance by everybody's favorite 60's radical, Bill Ayers. Ayers, a University of Chicago professor specializing in improving education, was scheduled to speak sometime in November in Lincoln. However, the shiite hit the fan when the people of this state found out about it. Politicians, a group of people much more hideous than any 40 year old radical group, all began crowing as loudly as they could to stop this invasion of their fine state by this mad bomber. Our chinless, dimunitive Governor, the former liberal scofflaw Attorney General (who once equated gay marriage with "marrying your chair"), the backbenching Congressional delegation, the so-called Democratic Senator and numerous members of the Board of Rodents, errr, Regents all went into apoplexy over this 63 year old guy setting foot in our fine state. So the University cancelled the speech.
Back about 100 years or so, when I was at the university, one Jane Fonda came to town causing a similar temper tantrum by the 1977 version of those weasels we have running things now. Oh no, wait a minute, it didn't. Oh sure, there were some who worried when Jane spoke, their little daughters would move to Hollywood and win an Oscar or something. Hanoi Jane spoke, people applauded, and she went home. No building collapsed. The football stadium, the only thing these people really care about, remained the dump it is today.
The news media created this mess. I would bet that not one of the fine folks who e-mailed death threats to the Chancellor know who Bill Ayers is. That he was never convicted of anything. That he actually regrets many of his actions. But that's not important. The boneheads who make up local news go all Levitra over anything not involving house fires and traffic accidents. They beat this thing into the ground. They showed Ayers' picture. Guess which one they showed? Over and over. They suck. Go back to covering kittens in trees and showing grainy surveillance photos of Kum & Go thieves.

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