Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Polls Show Whaaaaaaaat?

In a noble gesture today, John McCain, putting country first, has demanded the Friday debate with Barak Obama be postponed because it's past his bedtime or he saw the latest polls or he can't think of more than two positions on any issue or maybe he knows he's losing.
No seriously, it's so he can run back to Washington to help bail out his Wall Street buddies who employ his entire staff. Or perhaps it's one of those reasons listed above.
Postpone the debate? Are you kidding me? This is the biggest farce since Bill O'Reilly staged his huffy walkout on NPR 45 seconds before the interview ended anyway. Perhaps , McBush can send a subsitute who can't help but improve his chances, my friendshhhhh.
Sarah Palin? Naw, she's busy thinking of a clever way to accuse Joe Biden of sexism during her upcoming ass-kicking. Mit Romney? No, Sarah in a suit with better hair. Hillary? Please don't tempt her. Sorry I mentioned it. Cindy McCain? Naw, she'd probably try to adopt Obama. Chuck Hagel? Well there you go. An actual maverick Republican. The only problem is he'd flip the race upside down. The "base" would go apoplectic, and the "blue collar" Democrats would love the fact he's white.
It would be anarchy. But I guess in reality, it already is.

1 comment:

  1. I love his "country first" reasoning. Like helping us decide who's going to run this country for the next 4 years isn't about the welfare of this country.

    Chicken shit....

    BTW, welcome to Blogspot! I've been away from reading a lot and need to catch up! Nice to see your pics!
