Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Boyle On The Anti-Abortion Butt!!!

The former Mayor of Omaha , Mike Boyle, did something heroic yesterday and got a ticket for it. Hooray for the former mayor (who got recalled from office for throwing a butter patty at a Governor) because he decided to stand up to bullies and fools.
Barak Obama, in some sort of pie-in-the-sky stupor, actually opened a campaign office here in the big city of Omaha. Somewhere between 600 left wing nutjobs (if you are a right wing radio listener) and 900 outnumbered, brave Omahans (if your brain is still intact) showed up to dedicate the small strip mall office. Unfortunately, so did one paid employee of the kookburger Rescue the Heartland. You see, what this paid employee of this anti-abortion cult does is drive around Omaha in one of those trucks with the high sides on which they haul giant panes of glass. There's no glass, but there are giant photos of what they purport to be aborted fetuses. If you've ever seen it, it is offensive, gross and frightening to small children. The paid employee showed up and parked his exhaust spewing truck right there. Our former mayor, a brave man, decided to hold his own protest and blocked the cult's truck with his own vehicle so nobody could see it. The paid employee of this cult, cried to a policeman and the policeman ticketed Mayor Boyle.
Good for you, Mr.Boyle. Standing up to these bullies is all they understand. In fact, why don't you run for mayor again?

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