Thursday, August 28, 2008

Don't Worry America! They are 75% White!

Why this guy isn't up by 25 points in the polls is a crime. It's understandable for unspoken reasons, which I will speak of in a moment, but nonetheless, it is a crime. I am going to say the reason why Barack Obama is not kicking John McTemper's arse in the polls is due to one reason. That reason is, of course, Americans are wusses. Americans, who believe that offshore drilling will allow them to fill the ol' Explorer with 99 cent gas again. Americans, who believe that the country is on the wrong course, yet support John McBush equally to Barack Obama. Americans, who believe the world was created in 7 days by some bearded guy in the sky. Americans, who believe support the troops means you slap a yellow sticker on the back of the ol' Land Cruiser on your way to Starbucks. Americans, who believe that Iraq had something to do with 9/11. Americans, who voted for a band of thugs in numbers that allowed the thugs to steal the election twice. Americans, who just make shiite up when they get backed into a corner and e-mail it to their idiot buddies. Americans, afraid of their own shadow. Come on, America, think! Grow up! Stop worrying about two boys kissing, and stop crying that white men are oppressed, and stop thinking a single cell in a dish is morally equal to a Parkinson's patient, and stop thinking somebody's going to take your shotgun away, and stop insisting prayer in schools doesn't exist, and stop worrying your "culture" is being changed, and stop worrying that some illegal alien is going to take your job when it's the Chinese and the Indians who will do that.

Please wake up, America. It's going to be all right. Those people pictured above shouldn't scare you. It's the people gathering in Minnesota next week who should scare you. Those people actually think everything is ok because they are ok. Uff Da!

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