Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Vote For My Husband Or Else!

Despite what many think, that's not Michelle Obama at the Democratic Convention pleading with Amerika to vote Barak in '08. I actually wish it was because it would mean the Democrats were willing to get down in the gutters with the Republicans and FIGHT for this thing. Stop being so flipping nice. Who cares if Hillary voters are pissed? Stop paying attention to her and start paying attention to that shrimpy POW the other side has wheeled in. He's killing you. You have three more days to start fighting or it's over.

Look, let me explain it this way. The Republicans are Al Queda. They have no rules. They will cheat, lie, steal, fix voting machines and wipe their butts with the Constitution if they have to in order to win. You have to fight them in the same way. Americans are dopes. They don't care about logic. They care about "knowing" issues in the simplest kindergarten way possible. So dumb down, start cheating, start lying, and turn that crabby adulterer gigolo on the other side into a crabby adulterer gigolo. Start kicking for the groin NOW!

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