Saturday, August 16, 2008

Your Mission Mr.Phelps....

At the risk of treason, I am so sick of Michael Phelps I could choke a bald eagle to death. If Mark Spitz had been paid millions of 1972 dollars to swim 10 hours a day and pig out on 10,000 calories a day instead of being forced to compete for free, who knows how great he'd have been? Oh, Wingspan of a 6 foot 7 guy Phelps is the best of all time. That's not debatable any longer, but NBC please, stop having fits over this guy and his Mom. He's a great story, but hearing the same shiite every day about this legend in your own mind is getting old. Apologies to Mike for the above photo of Fred Phelps. I couldn't find a picture of Michael anywhere!

But man oh man, is that chick beach volleyball great or what? And that tinkerbell gymnastics is super too. If you're into child porn that is. And that synchronized diving? Wow!

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