Sunday, July 13, 2008

McSnarly And McCarly Sittin In A Tree

Carly Fiorina is the name. Killing people's lives is her game. Becoming McSame's veep choice is her goal and if you know Carly Fiorina at all, you know how many bodies she will crawl over to achieve that end. As former CEO of Hewlett Packard from 1999-2004, she ran the company into the ground before being let go, so to speak, and paid a large sum of money to go away. But now, mostly because of her charming smile, her cougar looks, and her soothing demeanor, she is being touted among the Republicans attempting to appeal to the bitter Hillary voters, who can't come to grips with the fact people don't like Hillary, as a vice-presidential candidate for Uncle McGrumpy. The irony of Hillary haters trying to make inroads with Hillary swooners is just plain creepy. I don't think it will work, but then I'm still wondering how many more years does President Kerrey have left?

Carly Fiorina is a snake charmer. She's full of shiite. She's a corporate ax-murderer. She's a sociopath interested in Carly and only Carly. She's perfect for fooling dopey Americans. McBush could do worse in picking a veep to clean up his messes. But Carly Fiorina has no experience in anything except destroying hard-working Americans dreams. Like I said, she is a perfect choice for McCranky. He crashed and burned a fighter jet, and she crashed and burned a corporation.

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