Monday, July 14, 2008

Hey,You Forgot The Watermelon!!

When did Rupert Murdoch take over the New Yorker? Jesus Christ, 15% of the American people, and 75% of West Virginia, already believe the rot drawn on that cover. Let's see, we have the Muslim Obama "terrorist fist bumping" with his Black Panther wife, Michelle, in the Oval Office, burning the American flag, while a picture of Osama Bin Laden peers from above the fireplace. Ho ho ho! Only a dittohead or someone who has been "Hannitized" or a Fox News junkie would find that a knee-slapper. Oh, and there's plenty of those lamebrains out there. Granted, none of them would ever vote for Obama anyway, because Rush would tell them not to, but its freaking July for chrissakes. Can we only imagine what else is coming? From the ones who are paid big bucks to lie about Osama, errrrrrrrrrrr, Obama. See, it even worked on me for a second.

I used to subscribe to the New Yorker. I liked it a lot. It was full of interesting, informative articles about things nobody cares about. Now, per that cover, it's become an arm of the character assassination crowd. Great going, New Yorker. I will be anxiously awaiting the cover featuring John McCain, a Manchurian Candidate glaze in his eyes, being ordered around by Angela Lansbury (Meryl Streep for you updated Manchurian Candidate fans) while crumbling up his first marriage certificate in one hand, and fondling Cindy McCain with the other, all the while with money stuffed in his pocket by a tiny little Charles Keating down in the corner. I will not be holding my breath.

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