Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Nebraska Democrats!
Yes we do exist. Nebraska Democrats. And within the last two decades, Nebraska has had a Democratic Governor while at the same time had both United States Senators. But then 2008 came and like the rest of Red State America, this state went full Oh My Gawd theres a black man in the White House and Nebraska Democrats had no response other than uhhhhhh now what?
We now have a Republican Trust Fund Baby for a Governor , a Republican button pusher Senator as worthless as they come and an alleged Republican Adult who likes to tell high school grads they are fat and hates guys named Jeremy. The Alleged Adult in the room is up for re election this year and though Nebraska Democrats have about a 5% chance of beating him, thats not good enough. WE Nebraska Democrats demand 0% chance because thats who we are.
The above picture represents the 7 sacrificial lambs who longed to take on Ben Sasse (Not an Adult-Ne) in November. Being one who does research and hopes my choice could be the one who could possibly get 35% I voted for the one in the middle on the bottom. But Nebraska Democrats, being Nebraskans first of course, voted for the white guy whose photo is in black and white. His name is Chris Janicek and he once ran in the 2018 Democratic primary for the chance to lose to Deb Fischer (Trump licker-Ne) and picked up a whopping 20% of the Democratic primary vote. This time he rolled to a whopping 30% of the primary vote because hes a white guy and all and what the hell....He makes cupcakes for a living and Im sure they are excellent since no cupcake isnt excellent.
Chris Janicek apparently doesnt sleep much, gets real tired and then like we all do when tired he started texting female staffers to join in on a disgusting cupcake orgy with him and three guys. He told the female staffer he wanted to spend campaign money "to get her laid". But hey, Chris was tired and high on life at the time anticipating his crushing defeat at the hands of a Runza salesman/Uber driver.
The staffer, party pooper that she is, quit the campaign and reported him to the State Democratic Party who probably picked the complaint up in the weekly mail or on the answering machine after sifting through the messages calling them Bolsheviks. The state party rescinded any possible financial help for Janicek which would have deprived him of 20 bucks and some half off Burger King coupons. They also suggested he get the fuck out of the race.
Janicek, revealing his true colors, and possibly exposing himself as a Republican plant, refused to drop out citing an alleged conspiracy against him because he's against abortion and loves guns like all white middle aged Nebraska male Democrats.
The state party has until 9/11 to convince this chronically tired candidate to get out of the race. After that date, if Cupcake Boy stays in, it will force us Nebraska Democrats to write in Jane Kleeb or Alisha Shelton or Foghorn Leghorn for that matter. The fact remains that Ben Sasse can go back to being a pompous asshole who pretends to be an adult and frees him up to fake criticize the Fascist in Chief.
Chris Janicek's campaign slogan is "ENOUGH!". Never a truer statement can be made.
Get some fuckin sleep Chris.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Thoughtful Monday!
1) Hey goddammit I am happy that todays 6-3 SCOTUS decision has put archaic laws like we have here in "Gods country" about firing people for being gay, suspecting of being gay, or really being into wearing a mask in the trash heap of history. I thank the 6 justices who saw fit to put this type of despicable law into a blender and turning it into mush. But being the ray of sunshine that I am, the fact that there are 3 soulless shitheels on the court who say these type of laws are a-ok makes me irate. Justice Alito the professional Catholic, Justice Thomas the professional revenge seeker and Justice Kegger, the professional boozehound bent on owning the libs forever. Stuck with these unprincipled empty moral vacuums for another generation at least and though Neil Gorsuch is still a professional folksy fascist and gets a pass for today, he's still there and there are plenty more groups to fuck over in the years to come. Than goodness that every now and then John Roberts, the professional legacy builder, falls off the stick up the ass bandwagon and does the right thing. I fear for lots of things but NOTHING is more important about this election than the Supreme Court. If we lose and the unsteady Bigfoot in Chief remains in power the road to fascism becomes a parking space. Its over.
2) I watched Spike Lee's new movie on Netflix over the weekend, Da 5 Bloods. Hey its 2 1/2 hours long, its often slow, but its powerful. The reason its so powerful is because not only does it tackle racism, father-son relationships, father-daughter relationships, Vietnam and Trump, but it tackles PTSD in a way I havent seen maybe ever. Delroy Lindo commands the screen in every instance he's on screen. His damaged MAGA guilt ridden Paul demands you watch him. Lindo is really an underrated actor who is larger than life in everything he does but here in Lee's tribute to Apocalypse Now, Treasure of Sierra Madre among others he just blows the script apart. Lindo is a raging, bipolar, maniac who you just know is heading for a reckoning and eventually you know why. His return to Vietnam is not for profit but for redemption. His journey to his inevitable end is worth the 150 minutes. I now its not a high bar at this point in 2020 but seeing Delroy Lindo onstage getting an Oscar would make me happy.
3) Twitter is often a shitshow. Most of it isnt worth paying attention to. But actor Ron Perlman getting into a battle royale with Matt Gaetz (R-DUI), Jim Jordan (Cover up artist-Oh) and Ted Cruz (R-Canada) in one day was a bit of tremendous live sports. Perlman began the fight by taking on Gaetz, tossing him over the top rope, kicking Jordan before he could even get in the ring and then airplane spun the interloper Cruz before tossing him into the front row. The only problem is Gaetz, Jordan and Cruz have no idea of the rules and actually think getting tossed from the playing field like a rag doll is the goal. Yes folks, your Congress in action.
4) Another Saturday another unarmed black man shot by police in Atlanta. As with George Floyd or most every other name we've heard in the last 20 years, this one was absolutely unnecessary . Rayshard Brooks was drunk and sleeping in his car in a Wendys drive thru when the cops were called. In the ensuing what seems like forever tape of two cops exercising their power, Brooks offered to walk home, cooperated, was polite, and was certainly no threat to these two police officers. But as it seems always happens, cops decided to whip out their dicks and start swinging them around instead of being human, decent and practical. Call a fucking Uber, call Brooks' sister, shit give him a ride home but fuck no. Cops gotta cop and being an insecure asshole is what they do. So instead of defusing a situation they escalate and now a man is dead shot in the back for the crime of sleeping in his car. It is unacceptable and the movement to defund or reform or rebuild or whatever you want to call it the police cannot be left to die for one more minute.
Rayshard Brooks' life mattered for fucks sake.
2020 sucks.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Do Black Lives Matter Now?
I hope like hell this isnt going away. The way its trending its not going to. The video phone murder of George Floyd is so upsetting, so infuriating, so almost impossible to watch for any person of any race, this movement needs to keep its momentum. The smug Derek Chauvin, hand in pocket, reacting to people telling him to stop killing a helpless man begging for air and eventually his mother by increasing the pressure on a mans neck is what is fueling this crusade. Chauvin represents every asshole you ever ran into in high school. A bully with support from hangers on. The kind of guy you wish somebody would just beat the shit out of and end the terror. The most punchable face I've seen in years. George Floyd can be the catalyst for real change and though George is dead (though enjoying the economic news from afar) his brutal murder has pissed off everybody.
Lets go through the history of Black Lives in this country. Its not pretty. Cuz Black Lives Didnt Matter.
1619-1865 Slavery
1865-1965- Jim Crow
1965-1975- Vietnam
1975-1980- Unemployment
1980-1995- De Facto White Supremacy in the White House
1995-2017- Mass incarceration
2017-2020- Mass incarceration AND Out Loud White Supremacy in the White House
So basically we have returned to 1619 by felonizing Black Lives. The Black lives destroyed by white dominated courts and cynical politicians is in the millions. This smoldering fire has been in a dumpster for about 400 years and yeah every now and then it starts blazing but eventually it gets put out by either boredom by the whites or the exhaustion of the POC's. But this, George Floyd's horrendous cruel murder by everybody's least favorite bully, and that of Breonna Taylor, murdered in her own bed by Louisville storm troopers who cant read addresses, has thrown gasoline on that smoldering inferno. Goddammit fan the flames.
Every statue of a murderous traitor , protected by Republican racists, that has come down by force makes me cheer. Christopher Columbus, Jefferson Davis, Charles Linn, JEB Stuart, all these statues are a disgrace to this nation. After all, there are no statues of Goebbels or Jodl or Himmler or Hitler himself in Germany. They have the sense to realize the damage done by those maniacs that stays with that country to this day. The United States does not get it. In fact, most of the statues of the savage turncoats who died on a hill of owning other human beings were not installed until the civil rights era and after just to remind the uppity folk of who runs the show. Tear em all down because the Republican Governors and legislators lack the decency and humanity to end the racist in your face hunks of metal.
Meanwhile the Racist in Chief, still reeling from his plunging popularity, will begin to hold his White Power Pep Rallies again next week in a not a dog whistle way. Its out loud from now on. Despite the pandemic, The Whitey in Chief will pack 19,000 morons into an arena on June 19th in Tulsa, Oklahoma to put lotion on his fragile ego. Packing 19,000 nitwits into a closed space, probably maskless because yeah you know masks= pussy, is dangerous to the public health. I dont give a rats ass if a bunch of mouth breathing shitheels all give each other a deadly disease, that just proves what a death cult it is, but I do care when these same lamebrains waddle out and start spreading it to innocents.
Tulsa? June 19th?
Jesus Christ, why not just burn a fucking cross and attract vermin and disease spreading mosquitoes?
June 19th--Juneteenth? The day slaves in Texas finally found out they were "free" from their white masters 2 1/2 years after they were actually freed by the Emancipation Proclamation.
Tulsa? The place where a massacre of blacks by white losers pissed off there was a Black Wall Street occurred in 1921. That story STILL needs to be told. And not by a white supremacist in front of 19000 other white fanatics,
Yeah the Bigot in Chief may not be intellectually capable of putting 1 plus 1 equal Votes from Racists together but y'all know Stephen Miller flew in from his coffin one night and came up with that idea. What was that about "Deplorables"?
To get back to the original idea, Black lives havent mattered much for 400 years and to many they still dont (I can think of about 19000 Okies right off the bat). But to many many more people, George Floyds cold blooded murder has shown that Black Lives Do Matter.
The Mo must be maintained. For all our sakes.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
The Aftermath in Omaha!
Her name is Zuri Jensen and shes 7. Its her world that needs to be changed. This young girl is already aware enough to see that. Long after the boomers are gone, Zuri will still be fighting and lets hope its not as hard as it was for her Mom. I love that picture. It was taken on Friday night before the police riot. Lets hope Zuri missed that part.
Saturday night was the peak. Described previously as the protests moved downtown from 72nd and Dodge a young man named James Scurlock was shot and killed by a bar owner "protecting" his property. I hate to even bring this up but James was black and the bar owner was white and though it may have meant nothing in the shitstorm that ensued, the bar owner, Jake Gardner, was a homophobic Trumper.
Sunday happened and more protesting took place. Garner the killer was in custody and Scurlocks name was just another black name to add to the list. The protesting was peaceful. The violence was at a minimum. The tear gas was at a minimum. The Omaha protest was withering.
Then came Monday. On Monday, County Attorney Don Kleine held a news conference to make an announcement everybody knew was going to occur. Jake Gardner would not be charged in the
Draw your own conclusions. The county attorney declined to conclude anything but self defense. Hey it can be argued sure and isnt that why courts exist? The city was really pissed now. The tinder box was there waiting to be lit.
A curfew was put on for 8pm, the first in 30 years. The protesters showed up. They stood their ground. The National Guard was called in. Who knew what would happen? At about 6 pm a couple of hours prior to curfew, some Omaha Police and Nebraska National Guardsmen broke ranks to come over to the front line of the protest and take a knee, shake hands and talk. This is what knocked the match out of the arsonists hands. Yeah one dimbulb threw a bottle at them and was quickly subdued, by the freakin protesters. The Guardsmen and the cops returned to their ranks to wait for 8pm.
8 PM came and most people went home. About 80 stayed and were arrested peacefully. Meanwhile, James Scurlock and George Floyd and countless others are still dead and Jake Gardner was still free. Does this really satisfy anybody?
Tuesday came and virtually nothing happened. 3 arrested. The curfew is done. People are exhausted.
Meanwhile a call for a grand jury has been petitioned by the County Attorney to look into this case. What happens next? No idea.
But for now, its peaceful here.
Lets hope it stays that way for Zuri Jensen.